Reawakening the American Dream
I always try to bring the best view of the world based on my knowledge, experience, values, and world view, yesterday I started reading/listing from Amazon audiobooks the book Atomic Habits of James Clear, and I believe it came to me to best describe this blog post, where he says that a habit done several times became our identity. I see and feel every day that we tend to forget old habits and adapt to easier ones, normally driven by corporations, social media, etc., that normally are not the best for us, as these companies are looking primarily for their own profit despite your health and goals in life. Americans are not losing their pride and love for their country. Based on this book, we are just losing the habit of owning our properties, due to extreme distraction and seeking comfort, thinking it is our primary goal. Happiness is not comfort at all costs, happiness is achievements, presence, growth, family, community, and much more. We may be buying the advertisement's happiness style, but actually, the millennia traditional way of living is what our souls look for.
Guilherme Oliveira
9/26/20235 min read
The Significance of Property Ownership
In the tapestry of American history, there exists a fundamental aspiration that has shaped the nation's identity—the dream of owning property. Yet, as the decades have rolled by and the world has transformed around us, it seems that this cherished dream has dimmed. We will explore the evolving landscape of property ownership in the United States, the factors that have contributed to its decline, and the profound significance of rekindling this quintessential American goal.

The Fading Dream
Once upon a time, owning property was more than just a financial investment; it was a symbol of hope, freedom, and prosperity. It was the bedrock upon which American families built their lives and futures. But somewhere along the way, as cities grew taller and busier, the dream of property ownership began to wane.

The Changing Landscape
The urban sprawl and the rise of metropolitan centers brought with them a shift in priorities. The allure of convenience and flexibility led many to opt for renting over ownership. The mindset began to favor mobility over permanence, and the deep sense of belonging that came with property ownership started to erode. President Abraham Lincoln in 1862 created The Homestead Act, which offered 160 acres of public land to settlers willing to improve the land by building a dwelling and cultivating crops. The act aimed to encourage westward expansion and settlement of the frontier by providing an opportunity for individuals and families to own land. While it opened up opportunities for land ownership, the challenges were still substantial, including harsh environmental conditions, conflicts with Native American populations, and the need for hard work to transform untamed land into productive farms. I stop and think about how much effort and risk people put into their piece of land, and I ask myself what happened with the prior generations that do not need risk not even 1% of what prior generations were willing to risk for their own land.

A Cultural Shift
A profound cultural shift played a significant role in this transformation. The relentless pursuit of individualism and personal success led to an emphasis on immediate gratification and mobility. It's a culture that celebrates freedom but sometimes forgets the value of the community that built this country.

The Consequences
This shift had consequences. It meant less investment in neighborhoods and communities, fewer deep-rooted connections with neighbors, and a diminishing sense of pride in one's surroundings. It also brought with it the uncertainty of not having a stable place to call home. And a clear and loud segregation between people, weakening the biggest nation in the world.

Rediscovering the Dream
But is it too late to reawaken the American dream of property ownership? The answer lies in understanding what property ownership truly represents. It's not merely a financial endeavor; it's a commitment to one's roots, a pledge to nurture a sense of community, and an investment in a brighter future. And you may ask: ok Gui, got it! But how can I grab this old dream for myself and my family? First thing you need to set a goal and take small steps in this direction every day. Defining priorities, locations, dreams, home size, etc., and then working based on your own reality, saving, working, and preparing for the big leap of your life, your own property.

A Return to Roots
Imagine a world where Americans once again prioritize property ownership. A world where families invest not just in houses but in the spirit of community, where neighbors become friends, and where the sense of pride in one's home extends to the neighborhood at large. A world where the US became again the strongest unified country in the world.

The New American Dream
The new American dream could be a synthesis of mobility and rootedness. It could be about owning property not just for the sake of ownership but for the sake of fostering lasting connections, shaping vibrant communities, and providing a stable foundation for future generations. The point of view and priorities need to be clear to you. In everything in our lives, there is friction, and the amount of friction versus our pain or dreams will determine if we will accomplish it or not. Keeping your goal clear, and understanding that it will bring way more than just comfort and security, will help you to break the friction that is stopping you from reaching your goals.

Reviving the Essence of the American Dream
As we navigate the changing landscape of property ownership in the United States, let us remember that it's not about holding onto the past but about reimagining the future. Reawakening the American dream of property ownership is a call to rediscover the essence of community, to forge lasting connections, and to make a commitment to a brighter tomorrow. It's about striking a balance between mobility and rootedness, between personal success and collective well-being, and in doing so, preserving the spirit of the American dream for generations to come. Deep in me, I believe that is not even related to finding the nation's pride again, but actually to rooting yourself, finding your own goals, understanding yourself, and understanding that what brings happiness is not the shiny object on TV, will help us to guide our next steps. Solidifying values, make not only a happier life but also make it easier, using less energy to live the day-to-day activities.

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